BIM Technology Impact on Construction | CTF UAE

JW Marriot Hotel Marina, Dubai

30 April - 01 May 2025

Paul Mullett

Paul Mullett

Chair Digital and Technology Council of Excellence, Surbana Jurong Group

Paul is an award-winning Chartered engineer with over 28 years' experience in the design and delivery of buildings and infrastructure. Paul is an experienced leader and manager who, through his various specialist engineering and delivery roles, has developed an excellent understanding of applied technology, cutting-edge digital tools and specialist technical skills.

In his previous role as Group Engineering and Technology Director at Robert Bird Group Paul was successful in leading the strategic application of transformative technologies and looking at ways to identify and adopt value-adding innovations. Under Paul’s leadership RBG heralded a tangible change in digital culture, a significant uptick in grassroots digital skills, the formation of an effective digital leadership framework and the development of industry-leading digital tools such as RBG Reveal. Paul is currently Chair of the Digital and Technology Council of Excellence at Surbana Jurong Group, leading and overseeing business-wide digital and technology strategy and implementation. Paul is a Chartered Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a registered Professional Simulation Engineer with NAFEMS.