Sougata Nandi
Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Energy and Environmental Efficiency Advisory FZ LLC
The Author of ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN REAL ESTATE: THE SECRETS TO SUCCESS Sougata is an Energy Engineer from IIT and the second LEED® AP from the UAE. Sougata set up the Middle East region’s one of the first corporate sustainable development programmes in the 2000s. The multiple Awards winning programme not only reduced carbon emissions across the corporation’s portfolio of over 70 existing and under construction buildings, but also delivered 5 of the first 12 LEED®-certified green buildings in the UAE. This paved the way for the green building transformation in the UAE.
Subsequently, as CEO of a path breaking automation company, Sougata led the successful establishment of the Emirates Energy Star (EES) programme, in collaboration with the leading Telco in UAE. Within two years, EES became the fastest-growing energy conservation programme in the world.
Sougata’s current Mission is to Make Every Consumer an Energy Manager.