Ambika Raj
Community Manager – Portfolio Management, Deyaar Community Management
With a career spanning over 15 years Mrs. Ambika Raj has extensive experience in the field of Customer Service& administration, Property, Community& Owners’Association Management. She is a certified professional in Community Management from the Community Associations Institute, USA. Ambika possess extensive experience and thorough knowledge of local free hold and lease hold property market,authority regulations and legal framework in Properties and Community Management of residential, commercial & mixed utility developments in Dubai, UAE. Fluent in English & many other South Asian languages,Ambika is completely customer oriented having a solid record of accomplishment in buildingstrong relationship with customers, stakeholders. Armed with strong negotiation skills, her dedication and attention to detail has helped Ambika to create a niche space for herself in the OA Industry and to reach the goals set by OA in a timely way and ensure that the communities are maintained at par with the high standards set forth by the OA Industry.