Construction Networking Event in UAE | Technology ConFex

JW Marriott Hotel Marina, Dubai

30 April - 01 May 2025

Jennifer Andal

Jennifer Andal

Director- Owners' Affairs, Better Communities Owners' Association Management

Jennifer started out in Dubai as an Owners’ Association Executive back in 2014 and has worked her way up to become the Director of Better Communities. After working for big developers in Dubai, she has gained a lot of experience in managing varied portfolio of properties and has secured the Professional Community Association (PCAM) designation awarded by Community Associations Institute – US. Because of her expertise, she was also invited to serve as a resource person for the CMCA Exam Development Committee for its international exam development and to proctor examinations in Dubai.

Given her humble beginning in the field, Jennifer is well-versed with even the smallest tasks in operations. Her in-depth knowledge of everything related to Owners’ Association/ Jointly Owned Property Management is an advantage for the entire team as she can provide proper guidance and insight on issues faced by the team. She believes that a good leader must have full grasp of the tasks required to train, motivate, and inspire the rest of the team to deliver the best services possible.